Case Record Management
The Case Records Management Section maintains investigative files, crime classification coding and control dissemination of SBI investigative reports. The section also provides transcription services for SBI's special agents.
The major responsibilities of the Case Records Management Section include:
- Managing the Case Records Management System (InfoShare).
- Maintaining Bureau forms inventory.
- Maintaining and disseminating the Bureau's retention schedule.
- Maintaining and disseminating the Report Writing Manual, Police Shooting Manual, and assists with the preparation and dissemination of the Policy and Procedure Manual.
- Compiling and disseminating statistical data related to SBI investigations and crime in North Carolina.
- Preparing, disseminating, and maintaining the investigative documents within SBI investigative case files.
CRMS coordinates the flow of investigative data and converts that information into the SBI case records database so that the information can be retrieved by SBI personnel.
Employees document investigative activity with SBI personnel and maintain standards by writing, compiling and publishing a report-writing manual for field agents.
In compliance with state law, SBI investigative files are not public records and cannot be disseminated by the SBI beyond relevant law enforcement and district attorneys without a court order.
Court order requests should be forwarded to SBI Legal Services.
Case/Imaging Processing Unit
This unit is responsible for establishing, maintaining, and updating the SBI's master copy of investigative criminal case files and archiving case files in accordance with the SBI retention schedule.
This unit processes and enters all reported data for case Identification reports, arrest reports, drug stat submissions, indices, laboratory submissions, case/defendant disposition reports, and case file dissemination requests. This unit is responsible for scanning, entering data from documents of all investigative files which consist of analyzing and uploading pertinent data in the InfoShare System, and filing all documents submitted by SBI agents conducting investigations.
Document Processing Unit
This unit is responsible for transcribing, processing, and disseminating investigative case reports entered by SBI agents conducting investigations. These responsibilities consists of analyzing, researching and comparing of data typed and entered into the InfoShare System with previously entered information by processors and data indexed by the Case Processing Unit.
Business Support Group
This group is responsible for functional areas of research, processing of dissemination requests for post-conviction discovery requested by SBI legal personnel, updating SBI Report Writing Manual, SBI forms coordinator, and maintaining the SBI investigative reporting system. These responsibilities consist of direct coordination with SBI Management personnel, SBI IT staff, outside vendors and internal committee staffs.