The SBI Computer Crimes Unit helps law enforcement across North Carolina solve sophisticated crimes involving digital evidence. Agents combine technological expertise with investigative experience to catch child predators and others who use digital means to exploit their victims.
The unit's 17 full-time special agents are stationed around the state in the SBI's eight field districts.
Leading the fight against child predators, the SBI Computer Crimes Unit conducts proactive undercover investigations, responds to requests for assistance from law enforcement in North Carolina and around the world, provides computer forensic expertise to investigations and follows up on Cyber-tipline referrals from the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children.
The Computer Crimes Unit is the lead agency in the N.C. Internet Crimes Against Children (ICAC) Task Force, which includes 200+ law enforcement agencies across the state. North Carolina's ICAC is part of a nationwide network of law enforcement and prosecutors dedicated to protecting children from online dangers. The national ICAC is comprised of 61 coordinated task forces throughout the United States.
The SBI, as the lead agency for the North Carolina ICAC Task Force, is responsible for coordinating law enforcement efforts within North Carolina and providing investigative assistance to jurisdictions outside North Carolina. The ICAC Task Force tracks down predators who use the internet to exploit children, and helps prosecutors when those cases go to court. For more information about protecting children, see our Children and the Internet section.
Contact SBI for Law Enforcement Help
To contact an SBI agent for assistance on an Internet Crimes Against Children case or a Computer Crimes case, call your local SBI District Office or SBI headquarters at (919) 662-4500. Ask to speak to an agent about computer crimes.
Case Criteria
- Internet crimes against children
- Requests for assistance from district attorneys, sheriff's or police departments
- Requests from other ICAC Units
- Requests from out-of-state law enforcement where perpetrators use digital means to cross jurisdictional boundaries