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Crime Statistics
Traffic Stop Statistics
Traffic Stop Statistics
The following is a description of the reports obtainable through the web page
Traffic Stop Reports
Drivers and Passengers Searched by Sex, Race and Ethnicity
- Displays statistics based on subject searched (driver, passenger 1, passenger 2, passenger 3, and passenger 4); by sex, race, and ethnicity. This report will give the total searched, total stopped and percentage of people searched.
Enforcement Action Taken by Driver's Age
- Displays statistics based on Enforcement Action Taken (verbal warning, written warning, citation issued, on-view arrest, or no action taken); by driver's age (broken down by: Under 20, 20-24, 25-29, 30-34, 35-39, 40-49, 50-59, and over 59).
Enforcement Action Taken by Driver's Sex, Race, and Ethnicity
- Displays statistics based on enforcement action taken (verbal warning, written warning, citation issued, on-view arrest, or no action taken); by driver's sex, race and ethnicity.
Initial Purpose of Traffic Stop by Driver's Age
- Displays statistics based on the initial purpose of the traffic stop (speed limit violation, stop light/sign violation, driving while impaired, safe movement violation, vehicle equipment violation, vehicle regulatory violation, seat belt violation, other motor vehicle violation, or investigation); by driver's age (broken down by: Under 20, 20-24, 25-29, 30-34, 35-39, 40-49, 50-59, and over 59).
Initial Purpose of Traffic Stop by Driver's Sex, Race and Ethnicity
- Displays statistics based on the initial purpose of the traffic stop (Speed Limit Violation, Stop Light/Sign Violation, Driving While Impaired, Safe Movement Violation, Vehicle Equipment Violation, Vehicle Regulatory Violation, Seat Belt Violation, Other Motor Vehicle Violation, or Investigation); by Driver's Sex, Race, and Ethnicity.
Initial Purpose of Traffic Stop by Enforcement Action Taken
- Displays statistics based on the initial purpose of the traffic stop (speed limit violation, stop light/sign violation, driving while impaired, safe movement violation, vehicle equipment violation, vehicle regulatory violation, seat belt violation, other motor vehicle violation, or investigation); by enforcement action taken as a result of the stop (verbal warning, written warning, citation issued, on-view arrest, or no action taken).
Initial Purpose of Traffic Stop by Physical Resistance Encountered
- Displays statistics based on the initial purpose of the traffic stop (speed limit violation, stop light/sign violation, driving while impaired, safe movement violation, vehicle equipment violation, vehicle regulatory violation, seat belt violation, other motor vehicle violation, or investigation); by physical resistance encountered (officer encountered physical resistance, Officer engaged in the use of force, injuries occurred to the officer, injuries occurred to the driver, injuries occurred to the passenger).
ype of Search by Basis for Search
- Displays statistics based on type of search (consent, search warrant, probable cause, search incident to arrest, or protective frisk); by basis for search (erratic/suspicious behavior, observation of suspected contraband, suspicious movement, informant's tip, other official's information, or witness observation).
Please note that Traffic Stop Statistics will be available to the public 30 days after the close of the prior month. Also note that an agency's traffic stop data may be low or non-existent for any given month due to the nature of that agency's law enforcement responsibilities.
In April 1999, the state legislature passed Senate Bill 76 which required traffic stop statistics be collected for state law enforcement officers effective January 1, 2000. The General Assembly later expanded this requirement to include local law enforcement officers employed by all 100 county sheriffs' offices and almost all police departments effective January 1, 2002. The legislation was enacted into law as NCGS 114-10.01. In August 2009, the law was amended with two new sections which became effective on January 1, 2010. In 2014 the statute was recodified to N.C.G.S. 143B-903. The amended statute can be
reviewed here
Summary Statistics
NIBRS Statistics
NIBRS Offense Definitions
History of UCR
Crime Factors
Crime in North Carolina - Annual Summaries
Domestic Violence Reports
Traffic Stop Statistics